Your partner for high end chemical analysis
Cannabanoid analysis
Since 2018 Brightlabs possesses an opium exemption from the BMC (Bureau for Medicinal Cannabis), for the analysis of cannabis and related products. The combination of this opium exemption, combined with our GMP accreditation, makes Brightlabs an important partner for the analysis of cannabis and related materials for both the Pharma-, Food-, and supplements sector.
By now we have ample experience with both the analysis of CBD products such as oil and candy, as the analysis of pharmaceutical products, ranging from hand sanitizer to medicinal cannabis in conformity with the current Pharmacopoeia.
About Brightlabs
Brightlabs is het laboratorium voor alle analytische vraagstukken voor de farmaceutische industrie. Het is hierbij onze missie om onze klanten te helpen bij hun farmaceutische ontwikkelingsprojecten en QC testen. Hiervoor biedt Brightlabs een breed scala aan fysische, chemische en microbiologisch analyses aan, van grondstof analyse conform farmacopee, zuiverheid van een drug-substance tot QC analyse aan drug-products. Hierbij werken we nauw samen middels co-creatie om hiermee snel en efficiënt tot een succes te komen.
Brightlabs analyses:
We have experienced Brightlabs to be a very well accessible company with experienced personnel, which is able to tackle development issues rather fast. Due to their accessibility it was easy to move these projects forward and finalize them within a very short time period (about 6 months for all projects combined). We look forward to perform new projects with Brightlabs.
Since the begging we received all support Business Development and from Laboratory Team, with whom we have been working closely. Method Validation run smoothly and product analysis by GC MS/MS is now on going. With join efforts and combined forces, always reachable by e-mail or call on teams, weekly planning and product demands are managed daily to meet demanding deadlines. More than a contact Lab we now consider Bright Labs as a partner.
Brightlabs consist of a reliable, flexible and nice team of people with a proactive approach and good knowledge of the business. Furthermore, they deliver services of high quality and according the set timelines. It is great to work with them!